
DOC 00004 (revised 10/14/2024)
Published On: 10/14/2024

Question: The RFP protocol mentions terms sheets in appendix D and E. However, there is only a pro forma in the PPA folder and an Existing Asset Transfer Agreement term sheet in the Ownership folder. When does AES Indiana plan on releasing the term sheets for the PPA and BTA structures or the expectation is for bidders to redline the full contract?

Answer: Bidders are expected to redline the contracts provided.

DOC 00005
Published On: 10/21/2024

Question: 1. I noticed there was no APA contract template for solar only, should there be one? 2. Could you confirm that an APA is defined as a transfer of ownership to AES at NTP, just before the start of construction? 3. We are interested in offering an APA to AES whereby the project is transferred to AES prior to NTP. Would that structure be considered for evaluation by AES?

Answer: 1.  Redlines to the hybrid contract are acceptable for solar only proposals.

2.  Transfer at NTP would be the typical APA structure.

3.  Bidders are encouraged to submit all bids that may offer value to AES customers..

DOC 00006
Published On: 10/21/2024

Question: In the RFP Documents, Appendix D (Key Commercial Terms - Ownership) contains forms of Asset Purchase Agreement for Solar + Battery, Wind + Battery, and Standalone Battery. But there is not one for solar-only or wind-only. Can we submit an Asset Purchase bid for a solar project with no solar? If so, is there a separate document for those Key Commercial Terms?

Answer: Yes.  We will accept an Asset Purchase bid for standalone solar and standalone battery.  The Commercial terms documents are provided for guidance.  If you have specific questions about terms that may apply to standalone renewables, please submit those questions.

DOC 00007
Published On: 10/23/2024

Question: The RFP document states Respondents should redline a “Key Commercial Term Sheet." There is no term sheet in the zip file that matches our proposal type. Will we lose evaluation points if we do not redline the contracts before we are shortlisted?

Answer: AES Indiana has provided various contract templates and term sheets. We understand that these templates may not cover every proposal type. Additional contracts or term documents will not be provided. Respondents are encouraged to apply redlines to the template that most closely aligns with their proposed terms.

As outlined in the Evaluation Criteria, comments to the AES form contracts will be reviewed, and we encourage a light touch as preference will be given to Respondents that accept AES's terms and conditions. Respondents who do not submit markups to the AES contract documents will not be penalized with a point deduction. However, a submission of markups will be viewed as a benefit under the project-specific point category. Respondents requiring extra time to submit redlines may request a reasonable extension for these documents.

DOC 00008
Published On: 10/23/2024

Question: Is there a specific Term Sheet for Standalone Storage Projects or should we use the solar + storage template?

Answer: AES Indiana has provided various contract templates and term sheets. We understand that these templates may not cover every proposal type. Additional contracts or term documents will not be provided. Respondents are encouraged to apply redlines to the template that most closely aligns with their proposed terms.

DOC 00009
Published On: 10/23/2024

Question: In the BTA Contract Template (Only Battery), I see that AES Indiana has requested a Guaranteed BESS RT Efficiency of 98% and a Minimum BESS RT Efficiency of 95%. Was this intended to be Guaranteed BESS Availability of 98% and Minimum BESS Availability of 95%?

Answer: In the BTA Contract Template (Only Battery), this was intended to be Guaranteed BESS Availability of 98% and Minimum BESS Availability of 95%.

DOC 00010
Published On: 10/23/2024

Question: Do the EPC Exhibits and Approved Vendors List apply to PPA submissions? I did not see any reference to them in the RFP guidance document nor in the PPA. Should standalone storage projects bidding a tolling agreement redline your solar + storage PPA form? Is there a storage specific form?

Answer: The approved vendor list would not apply to PPA.

AES Indiana has provided various contract templates and term sheets. We understand that these templates may not cover every proposal type. Additional contracts or term documents will not be provided. Respondents are encouraged to apply redlines to the template that most closely aligns with their proposed terms. In this scenario, redlining the solar + storage PPA form would be acceptable.

DOC 00011
Published On: 10/23/2024

Question: In the Battery BTA Pro Forma, “Guaranteed BESS RT Efficiency” means a BESS RT Efficiency of [98]%. Did AES Indiana mean availability of [98]% as the industry standard for RT Efficiency is around 86% - 87%?

Answer: In the Battery BTA contract template, this is intended to be Guaranteed BESS Availability of 98% and Minimum BESS Availability of 95%.